Any advice 😢


My partner and I had a miscarriage at the end of January, it’s been a difficult year. The pregnancy was not planned but I was quite happy and felt my partner seemed be to. Sadly I lost the baby and I have taken it much harder than he has. Since it all happened it made me realise my desire to start a family. My partner already has a 5 year old to his ex partner and is a great dad. Since the miscarriage he never wants to have sex or be intimate at all which is frustrating for me as I would like to get pregnant but understand that’s maybe not for him just how. I’m really struggling as he doesn’t not want to intimate at all ever even to kiss or hug is a hard task he’s always pushing me away and after months on end of this I’m beginning to really struggle. I accept the miscarriage has maybe got a part to play but he doesn’t want to go on dates or do anything that couples should really be doing. Right now I feel like I’m more of a friend that an partner and I just don’t know what to do. Any time I try to bring it up he goes mad and fights and I just worry that I can’t take anymore of it. Any help with what I should do would be much appreciated from an outsider point of view.