Baby update

Katie • Married, mom to three beautiful girls. Nori - 12/23/2009 Ashtyn - 4/16/2012 Emerson - 8/4/2015
So I haven't been on here in so long! But Emerson is now 10.5 weeks old! It's been an adventure to the say the least. We're currently on our 3rd hospital stay, and we've been in for 2 weeks now. She had surgery for Pyloric Stenosis at 5.5 weeks, followed by a bacterial infection the following week. We were home for 2 weeks when she spiked another fever. What started as another infection, turned in to so much more. She was diagnosed with Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome, and will eventually need a kidney transplant to survive. She is the strongest little thing I know! I have a Facebook page, Emerson's Entourage, to update her progress and document her journey. Here is my hero: