First month TTC baby #3


This month was the first time I actually checked my apps to see when my fertile window was and it left me nothing but confused. Glow said my fertile window started 3 days after AF finished, earlier this month and another app I use was more in line with my symptoms and CF, so we went with that one. Hubs and I had sex every night throughout that week (and a couple of times in Glow’s week too), except for the last two days ( he was on night shift). Honestly, we’ve never had so much sex! Since the birth of my youngest in 2009, I’ve not have much of a sex drive and we usually only do it 3-4 times a month, so hubby thinks it’s his birthday! 😂

So I’m now patiently (or impatiently!) waiting. I’ve been having lots of dull achey cramps, like period pains which I’ve never had before apart from when AF arrives. A few nights ago I had bad indigestion which I never have, and felt nauseous. I’ve been gassy, feel really bloated, my nipples are sore to touch. I really felt like I was pregnant. Then earlier on, I went to the loo as I felt like AF had arrived, but it was just a watery CF. Slightly pinky-brown. I was actually gutted. My first two children were conceived first time. Like we only had sex once! We tried for our third for a few months last year but then had to stop due to medication I was prescribed. It seems much harder now I’m in my late 30’s.

I got it in my head that this pinky CF was AF but if it is, it’s very early; like over a week early. I’m praying it’s an implantation bleed (which I’ve only just learnt about from another post!). What do you guys think?!