Is sleep training worth it?


So I started sleep training today and I hate it!

We did the bedtime routine last night and she slept in her crib all night. Woke up a few times but just because her pacifier fell out of her mouth. She slept from 7:30-7.

I go to put her in her crib for a nap at 9:30 and she cried for an hour of me listening to her cry when all she wants is to sleep near me (insert shitty mom feeing)

I finally brought her out by me in her doc a tot and she passed out in that on the couch in the pacifier so that’s a win!

I’m just wondering if it’s worth the stress on her and myself to sleep train naps. She takes naps just not long ones been like that her whole 5 months of life I can even tell you when she’s gunna take them. If I can get her to sleep all night in her crib and ditch the pacifier to sleep. Is it that important to train naps in the crib.