Three years ago and my heart still hurts

The post I recently posted for the anniversary of my first and not last miscarriage. I'm not blocking my daughter's names out simply because they have that loss too even if they don't know or feel it. I feel for them. Makinzely my youngest is 2 and she was my rainbow baby, Sophie who I'm only 24 weeks pregnant with is also my rainbow baby.

I never knew your face, I never heard your heart, or felt your movements, but I had the two lines three weeks before I lost you. Three years and it's still an open wound, you were my first baby to loose and I prayed after that day you would be my last. But you were joined by another sibling just 6 short months ago. Not a day I don't think about who you were going to be or what you could have done. Boy or girl, from those two small lines, less than a few millimeters wide, I was excited to be your mommy. I'm blessed to be Elanna, makinzely and sophies momma, but my heart will always have a hole where you and your sibling would have filled. I leave that place for yall because I know one day I'll see you both and learn just exactly who you are. That day my heart will be complete. Your daddy and I will always carry that place in our heart for you two. And we will all be together again one day.

Having a miscarriage whether at 4 weeks, 8weeks, 20 weeks or full term it never gets easy. Each loss is a different pain. For the momma who lost their baby before ever knowing them, seeing them and feeling them it's a void in their heart to know 'what if' for the momma who knew their babies who saw their babies, who still gave birth to their babies. I feel and pray for you as I know the pain is much different.