Description says it all, 3.

Any help/answers would be appreciated. (I've been reading every reply and Thank You Sooo Much. But there's a bigger problem. I don't have a good doctor (he's quick/ doesn't really care), he won't prescribe my medicine and my mom doesn't take me to the doctor much and she won't let me get a new one.)

I washed the inside of my vagina with water for probably 6-8 months everytime I bathe. Now I barely have discharge (didn't even have any during those months) I stopped washing the inside in August (this year; probably started around Feb this year aswell) but of course, there's not a fishy but foul smell. I don't know what to do because at that time I also didn't let my vagina breathe doing to me sharing a bed with my sibling. I've started that now ( I'll only get a little discharge) and the smells still here . I also admit that I need to work on a healthy diet, eating fruits/vegetables and drinking a lot more water.