

Anyone baby still not sleeping through the night. He will go a few days and sleep all night then for about 3 weeks he’s up every night. It used to be at 5 now it’s anywhere between 1:30-2:30 he’s waking up. We breastfeed in the mornings before naps and at bedtime and now throughout the night when he wakes up but he’s starting to get to the point wear he wants to use me as a paci all night the second I take boob out he screams ridiculously loud. He won’t take a nap for longer than an hour during the day and that’s only 1 hardly ever does he take 2 naps.

It’s really starting to get to me I don’t sleep well when he’s in my bed at all especially when I can’t move around. I’m so tired all day and it’s hard to keep up plus I’ve been getting angry and just thin patients with everything. My neck and back are killing me from the way I’m sleeping I’m getting and headaches constantly. My husband try’s every few times to just try to get him back to sleep but it just makes it worse. Thankfully Sunday he took the kids and kept them out of our room so I could go back to sleep but then later he came in to wake me up 😩 in the last 2 months he’s slept all night once.

I really hate getting on here to complain because I love my kids more than anything but I’m so tired and need some relief.