Roommates 🙄

Okay I need advice!! Me & my boyfriend had these friends that are also a couple well went on double dates & always had game night at their apartment and it was fun well me and My boyfriend Had a kid that is now 2 & they asked us to move in with them and help them because the rent was too much and we needed out of his moms place anyways! Well they knew we had a kid and they had been around her plenty of times but we’ve been living their for 6 months now & every Month around bills time they start a huge blow out fight with us about our daughter having toys in the living room! It’s only a two bedroom two bath apartment so our daughter shares are room with us which doesn’t leave much space for her bigger toys like her slide. For weeks now they have been sneak dissing us on Facebook but not saying anything in person well yesterday the male made a post that was very clearly about my Boyfriend not pick up stuff so I rushed home to see what he was talking about. There was one shoe of our daughters in the living room and her slide. Idk what he was talking about but anyways When the guy got home he acted like nothing happen. I honestly Don’t wanna live their anymore but our lease isnt up until June so I thought about maybe Asking them to find a roommate to replace us on the lease and us just moving back to my mother in laws until we can buy a home next year. I just feel super uncomfortable living somewhere that we aren’t wanted. I feel like if they had a kid them self’s they would understand better that we can’t keep everything 100% clean all the time. What should I doo?? Also we have a lot of other issues like they run the ac all day long everyday at 68 degrees but it’s never colder than 74 making our electric bill $300 a month!! Everything is just adding up and making me feel stressed, overwhelmed & unwanted!

Also I work Full time & don’t have time to come home and bicker with these people every damn month.