Breast milk weaning


So my son is 7 months old and I’m running low on my freezer supply. I work and am a full time student so most days I can’t pump for more than 3 times at most along with breast feeding at night. I’m still producing but not like how I used to obviously since I used to pump/breast feed every three hours. He’s eating about 3 servings of food a day, but still drinks milk usually with his food. My mom is saying that I’m going to have to start giving him formula but I do not want to do that. Nothing against formula fed babies, but I just pride myself in all homemade foods and 100% breast milk fed.

All in all the question I have is how much milk should he be having a day, right now he probably has 4-7 bottles of 6-8 ounces so 24-56 ounces a day along with 6-8 ounces of food total.