Dental Hygiene

Hello, posting anonymously and will more than likely be deleting this as soon as I get some advice since I’m very embarrassed. Growing up I was in a lot of pain bc my teeth constantly ached and would literally make me feel like my head would explode. My mother never took me to the dentist even though I begged her to. We were really poor and she never enforced dental hygiene on me. It wasn’t until middle school that I began taking care of my teeth on my own. I’m an adult now & I floss/brush twice a day. I go to my dentist once a month but I still have a really sour taste an hour after brushing and people usually rub their nose when talking to me, it’s really began fucking with my self esteem. My dentist says everything is fine but it’s not and I don’t think he’s listening to me. Is it just in my head? Should I change dentist or go to a specialist? There is one tooth in particular that always makes my floss smell unpleasant after cleaning it. Please no mean comments, I often cry about this since I have no money to go to a specialist.