Moms who have been induced

So I was told by my OB and mfm that they will be inducing me at 39 weeks. Based on my due date that means they would be inducing me on December 30th.

Now I was wondering if anyone would have any insight or experience in asking to be induced sooner. I would much rather be induced on December 26th. The number one reason being that my fiance will be off of work at that time and would be until January 7th so it would give him time to be home with me and the baby without having to use any vacation time or missing out on days of pay. The second reason being if I'm going to be induced anyways then I would want to try and have baby before the end of the year. That way I dont have to pay a huge deductible or mess with insurance at all because it's the beginning of the new year. And honestly being able to claim baby on taxes this year would also just be a bonus and set us very much ahead for next year.

I'm not sure how to go about asking my doctor about inducing a few days sooner than planned. And theres still a chance they may induce at 37 weeks if I begin to develop preeclampsia but I've always had great blood pressure and dont foresee that happening.

Suggestions, thoughts, advice or any experiences to be shared?

It's not like I'm asking to be induced all together 😂 for the sake of my babys health as well as my own, I have to be induced. I wasnt sure if I'd have a say in the date at all. I don't/didnt think 4 days sooner would be a big deal 😒 the date itself isnt even set and could potentially be sooner either way