How to lose 30kg?


Hello ladies,

I am a yo-yo dieter and I think it has damaged my metabolism. I am currently 30kg overweight and I feel terrible. I have been trying hard to stick on a diet but I just can't stick to it. I think that the idea of dieting really unmotivates me because I have tried so many diets that didn't really work for long term. I weigh 83kg for 161cm. I usually weight around 78kg but I have got injured after a fall some weeks ago and had to stop working out, and this resulted in me putting on even more weight. My husband says he likes me just as I am but it saddens him to see me so uncomfortable in my own skin. I want to do this for myself and get healthier. Besides we want to have a baby so I want to lose some weight before an eventual pregnancy. Please share your tips, experiences, diet plans and exercises, anything that could possibly motivate me. Thanks :)