Are any mamas doing weight watchers?

Kayla • Happily married to my high school sweetheart 💕 Mama to two sweet boys. ❤️ TTC 🌈 #3 Future nurse 🩺

And does anyone want to text me/be my accountability buddy? I did weight watchers before having my son and lost 41 pounds but since I had him I haven’t had one good week. I’m such an emotional eater now and I’m struggling big time. I’m 9 months postpartum now and am realizing I can’t blame all the extra weight on the baby any more. 😅

Pic of my little family for attention.

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I just started last week! Baby girl will be 11 months next week and I realized I couldn’t use the excuse anymore when someone pointed out that I hadn’t gained much weight with her 🤦🏻‍♀️


Kayla • Nov 2, 2019
Do you want to be my accountability partner? I’m seriously struggling. It’s okay if it’s kinda weird since we are strangers. 😂 But my instagram is @kaylajbean if you want to follow me on there and maybe we can check in with one another every so often.