Brothers pt.29

All the groomsmen & Vance were ready & got in their limo to head to the venue. All the bridesmaids & Leila were ready too.

In the bridesmaids limo...

Renee: You look beautiful, Leila!

Leila: Thanks, Renee. Thanks ladies for all your help this week. I know this isn’t what you signed up for.

Jocelyn: Are you kidding!? We wouldn’t be anywhere else!

Catherine: We’re all here for you, Leila.

Leila raised the driver’s window.

Leila: You guys, I don’t think I can go through with this. I think I’m gonna... I’m gonna.

Catherine grabs the ice bucket & hands it to Leila. Leila grabs it & Renee & Jocelyn hold her hair & veil up.

Leila: Thanks, ladies. I think I must’ve drank too much last night.

The girls rub her back & continue to comfort her as she cries & vomits.

Soon, they reach the venue. All the guests were seated on the gold chairs & were bundled up in nice coats. The snow was a beautiful setting & the pink flowers along with aisle gave a nice touch. Everything looked perfect. The coordinator lined up the bridal party. Vance was already at the front with James.

Coordinator: Where’s the bride?

James notices & walks out to find her. Leila was in the bathroom throwing up & regaining her composure. There was a knock on the door.

Leila: I’ll just be a minute.

James: It’s me.

Leila: James?

She opens the door. James comes in & closes the door. Leila’s eyes welled up with tears.

James: You’re gorgeous.

She looked up at James & buried herself in his arms & chest. James held her close. For the next few minutes didn’t say a word to each other.

James: We can do this.

Leila: Can we?

James: We have to.

Leila headed out first & James followed a minute later. Mr. Phillips saw that the two were in the restroom at the same time. He thought about how James urged him to ask his wife about a man named, Gabe. He found his wife.

Mrs. Phillips: Can you believe our little Vance is getting married today?

Mr. Phillips: Who’s Gabe?

Mrs. Phillips: Pardon me?

Mr. Phillips: You heard me. Who’s Gabe?

Mrs. Phillips: I’ve never heard that name..

Mr. Phillips takes a strong hold on Mrs. Phillips’ arm.

Mrs. Phillips: Honey, you’re hurting me.

Mr. Phillips: I’m not leaving without an answer.

The music started up & Mr. & Mrs. Phillips had to walk forward. As they walked down the aisle, Mr. Phillips continued to speak to Mrs. Phillips. And continued holding her fake smile for the cameras & guests.

Mr. Phillips: Don’t think I’ll forget about this.

James finally joined Vance at the altar.

James: Sorry, nature was calling.

Vance: No problem.

The bridal party walked down then the bearer & then the flower girls. Just then it was quiet & there was a change of song. Everyone’s eyes turned towards the back. Cameras went up. Leila & Mr. Richardson walked down the aisle. Leila looked at James & James looked back & never took his eyes off of her.

As the ceremony was coming to a conclusion, James looked as his brother was smiling from ear to ear. It hurt the deepest part of his soul to witness the marriage of his brother to Leila. He watched as his brother caressed Leila’s hands. He caught a few glances from Leila & stayed strong for her throughout the duration of the ceremony. The minister pronounced them Mr. & Mrs. Vance Phillips. Just as they kissed, James looked down & his ears were numb from the clapping & cheering. The noise was drowned out in his thoughts of sadness.