Makes me wanna drink

aa ♡

Hey guys remember when I said I had just gotten a puppy and then found out I was pregnant??? So fun right ???


Someone for the love of god please tell me how you stopped your pup from jumping up on you 24/7. And I mean I'm walking to the car and shes jumping up. I'm touching my other dog and shes jumping up. I'm standing in one spot and shes jumping up. Especially when I come home and open the gates. Biting my clothes on the process.

SOMEONE HELP PLEASEEEEE this dog litterally makes me want to have a glass of wine all the damn time to calm my nerves. I feel like I'm stressed 24/7 because of her. She has other negative puppy behaviours but this one I need to cut out and fast. Shes a antalnion prynesse mix. So shes going to be big.

Please help this new mama out 😭