Sleep regression or growth spurt?

K Lou

Hi guys

Was just wondering if anyone else’s little one is going through a phase of not napping? Like totally falling asleep in my arms then I try to put her down and it’s like the world is ending. She used to just turn over and go to sleep but this week she will cry and cry no matter how many times I try. So much so she’s completely missing her naps as in the end I just end up giving up after going round in circles for over an hour.

She’s still pretty much sleeping through from 7:30-6:30 in the night but wakes once or twice crying but manages to settle herself back down within 5 mins or so.

Her naps have always been very short. 30 mins twice a day. Occasionally she will have a random 1.5 hours but mostly is just 30 mins. Just wondered if anyone else is going through the same? Thanks x