My new life


Lately there has been a lot going on and my stress level has been through the roof and there have been so many tears it hurts, my whole life changed in a matter of hours.

My old roommate who since the beginning has been trying to control my every move lost her mind one day when I got home. I use to live in a camper with her on a camp ground in tennessee and things were actually really great at first, then as time went on she wanted me to go to school to become veterinary technician like her and when I told her that wasn’t the move I wanted to make she became angry at me all the time. My roommate after me working double shifts and haven’t been home in 16 hours would instantly yell at me as soon as I got home (I would have to work in about 4 hours again due to me picking up shifts and covering) all I would want to do is go to bed and sleep for a while before I had to work again.

She started yelling at me that I was never home and that I never did anything which isn’t true. I come home shower and go to bed, my room was clean and the dishes I have I wash and put away but that wasn’t the reason she would yell at me, my roommate has a dog that when she isn’t there she expects me to take care of him which isn’t my responsibility and I never agreed to do it in the first place.

Her dog use to go into my room somehow get into my bathroom (when I am on my period) eat the bloody pads that I put into the trash. She would be furious at me but my door would be closed to the bathroom as well to my room so she would have had to let him in.

Anyway I hadn’t slept in three days so I am very tired and every time I come home I am yelled at for something different and this particular day I had worked come home to shower and rest and I had a couple of days off that I was going to spend with my boyfriend and my best friend. I come home and she isn’t there so I go to my room and my uncle calls to check up on me and right when I get home (her little spy’s at the camp ground told her I was home) I get a nasty text and then at the end says we need to have a discussion.

So I am on the phone with my uncle when she comes in to the house and slams my door open and screams at the top of her lungs after I told her I am on the phone. My boyfriend slept over so he could take me to work since I didn’t have a car and she doesn’t take me or I would have walked but it’s getting cold and my boyfriend didn’t want me walking alone in the cold in the dark (he’s a sweet man)

Her little spy’s told her that he stayed over (her boyfriend is over all the time and i found out I pay most of the rent and mine stayed over once) she flipped shit.

I was so sleep deprived and stressed because of her that I called my uncle back in tears, (I have anxiety) I could barely breath and I was shaking a lot. He told me to come to DC for a few days to catch up on sleep and calm my nerves which sounded like a great idea.

I had a flight in the morning that left at 6am so I packed a bag and I had my best friend pick me up since by the time she got me it was already late we just stayed up till I had to leave for the airport, saw my man told him what was up and he understood why I needed to go for a little.

Flash forward I make it to DC and I get a good nights rest but still tired my roommate gets her father involved and he started to send me nasty texts and such and I just let my mother handle him since I barely have ever talked to the guy and he doesn’t think his daughter ever does anything wrong.

A couple days go by I call into work and I never do that and they give me a extra couple days off which was very generous. My roommate sends me a text that she is kicking me out and that I need to move my stuff out ASAP. Me not knowing what to do stressing and shaking again my uncle decides I should stay there while I find my next move. I ended up having to quit the job I love and packing my stuff into his car and then unpacking it there then my boyfriend who didn’t want me to move decided to have me come to his place.

My uncle let me buy his car off of him which is a very nice car in my eyes ( 2017 vw Jetta) I packs all my stuff Back in the car and drove 541 miles to move in with my boyfriend. I got my job back and me and him have never been so close. He changed a little and not in a bad way, just last night he wrapped his arms around me and held me close as he falls asleep. I was a little crushed and burning up but I didn’t want it to end because he is doing so much for me and I love him so much.

He has a daughter and she is only a few months old and I love her to death and things are looking up and I couldn’t have asked it to be with anyone else. He’s my everything.