Terrified of dying or baby dying and feeling like no one is listening


I'm high risk and currently 28+6 and am supposed to be delivering in December at 34 or 35 weeks tops. I'm terrified we wont make it. My last baby was born 14 years ago by repeat classical c section at 27 weeks gestation and the doctor said he could see the baby through my uterus when he made my incision. If things were that bad then I am terrified as to how thin my scar is now. My high risk dr and ob have said my uterus can rupture any time with no warning. They say we'll just keep hoping things stay fine. They seem more concerned with my placenta previa. Its 25 minutes to the nearest hospital and the bigger the baby gets and rougher he moves, the more afraid I am. I'm in pain all the time. My partner gets mad if I talk about it because he is afraid and this is his first and only child. He gets angry at the thought of losing me.My family just pretends everything is fine. I'm afraid every minute of every day that I will rupture before 34-35 weeks and that one or both of us wont make it. I feel helpless and alone. I dont know what to do.