My heart is in literall pain


Yesterday My boyfriend broke up with me because my family didn’t approve of our relationship and it was putting a lot of stress on our relationship being as i still live with my parents and their roof their rules my parents wouldn’t let me see him and well you can’t be in a relationship with someone you can’t see so he broke up with me yesterday and i don’t know what to do because i love him so much and he still loves me but just the timing isn’t right but my heart literally aches and it’s like anytime I’m alone and not doing anything i get all these flash back of all the sweet little things like how he would just grab my face and kiss it all over how he would play with my hair and let me lay on his lap the way he looked at me his smile .. i could even say goodbye to him when it happened because i couldn’t take the pain of saying goodbye and he didn’t say anything he didn’t say goodbye so i had to be the one to do it because i wanted to burst out crying but not while he was there I’ve seen a lot post on here where people are like spend time with your family it will help but my family is the reason we broke up which hurts more because your family is supposed to be there no matter what i still have my best friend and my other good friends but i just feels like i can’t breathe like my heart is heavy and there’s a constant knot in my throat because i break down crying randomly i been trying to keep busy and ignore my feelings by distracting my self but that might be making it worse and i have very bad anxiety and depression so i get mini anxiety attacks to ,i know It’s not my fault but i can’t even look at my self in the mirror because i just don’t even feel like my self , and i feel like it’s not over in my heart i feel like there is still a chance down the road we can get together again but i know if we don’t it will hurt more , my friends and mentor think we will get back together because nothing bad bad happened in our relationship and we still love each other and that since we couldn’t say goodbye to each other it means we didn’t want it to end but i also don’t wanna be that person just waiting for it to happen idk what to do any advice helps ladies thank you for letting me rant and let it out on here

I thought i add additional information as to how my family reacted not only was i not allowed to see him but my dad stopped talking to me over it for like a month or two my mom was mad at me and they just reacted so badly and that hurt me even more so that’s why i can’t even rely on them they can’t telling me things you need to focus on school and you won’t do that with with a relationship you’ll get distracted and fail school