High BP??



So at my appointment Thursday I was 35 weeks exactly and my bp was much higher than normal (137/77 when I usually have pretty low bp like 100/60). My doctor was talking about having to induce me at 37 weeks if I kept having high readings. I was pretty stressed last week but nothing out of the ordinary and have definitely been way more stressed at other points during this pregnancy and still had the low bp. I checked it again The next morning and it was still a little high (131/79). I had a headache all weekend so Sunday we went to the grocery store and checked and it was back down to normal (115/75).

Any chance my bp stays normal and I don’t have to be induced?? It’s worth mentioning my hands have been swelling consistently since 25ish weeks (thanks 100 degree Alabama heat). I’m also not dropping any protein that I know of, and I know they test for that every appointment.

Please don’t post your horror stories my doctor is keeping an eye on me closely I would really just like to know if anyone had a couple days of high bp readings and then it went back to normal... TIA

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Posted at
My bp has pretty consistently been 130/80 since like 28 weeks I think? Twice it went over the hypertension threshold, so they did some bloodwork and a 24hr urinalysis. I had no proteins, and I explained to my midwife that those particular days I was feeling extremely anxious. We found the root of my anxiety and talked about it and took it away (excruciating back pain from working). I don’t have to be induced, and you don’t either unless it’s a medical NECESSITY. Remember that you control your birth. If you do end up with preeclampsia, then you probably will but as far as your current condition I don’t see necessity in induction. I’m not a medical professional and that’s just my opinion but I really don’t think you need to be. You know what’s right for you and it’s easy to get swept up in drs convenience habits, so if you don’t want to be induced put your foot down and tell them unless it’s absolutely medically necessary you don’t want to be. Hypertension threshold isn’t until 140/90


Posted at
My friend just had this happen at 38wks, it was over 140 so they sent her to LD and they induced her bc of it. She wasn’t happy about it since it was just that 1 reading, it was normal in the hospital for the 3 days she was in labor and then after her c section


Posted at
Unfortunately, at this point your BP will be nearly completely out of your control. Lots of rest and water helps but the surge in hormones does some crazy things. I have a home nurse see me every 2 days for a non stress test and BP reading and as long as its under 150/90 I don't need to go to L&D. They've considered my 135/85 BP readings OK. I'm being induced at 37 weeks though my OB doesn't want to risk preeclampsia and I agree. I keep asking my nurses about 37 week babies and they all reassure me baby will come out healthy and alert. Try to relax and stay off your feet as much as possible and hopefully you BP will go back down to avoid an induction, they're definitely not ideal.


Ca • Nov 4, 2019
Yes I think this was my OBs plan too. Inducing at 37 to avoid this risk of Pre e. Which I am fine with because pre e really scares me!! And definitely doing the lots of rest and water thing for sure. Thankfully I have a desk job and I’m not on my feet at all