I’m broken

Brittany • Periods suck, But It’s okay🤧😤

Dear Ex boyfriend, I love you.. and I really wish you loved me. You’re slowly killing me walking past me everyday with a smile on your face not being affected at all. It kills me to know you’re moving on while I’m still stuck on you. Not only did you Use me, but you played me so bad that I went back to self harm. You Broke me so bad that I can’t even get out of bed anymore. I have to force myself to get up in the mornings for school. Nothings ever gonna be okay again. I want to hate you, but I can’t. It’s not possible and I think it’s hurting me more to know that you can remove me from your life so easily even though you said you were “In love.” Ive had a mental break down every day since the day you left all because you said we’d “last forever” yet that was all a lie. I’m so tired of feeling as if I’m not good enough but other girls are. Maybe if I was prettier, or skinnier you would want me. Maybe if I could be different you would come back & stay. Maybe I’ll move on, maybe I’ll be stuck forever. Usually I would have given up already but You are different from other guys.. you Made me feel as if I meant something you made me believe you wouldn’t break me worse then I was already broken. You made me think everything was gonna be alright again. You kept me happy when I couldn’t manage to do it myself although you left.. I still would take you back even if it meant I would just get hurt again.. So to the boy Who once loved me, I’m sorry that I wasn’t good enough for you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be Perfect enough for you to stay. I love you forever & always.


The one girl who

Loved you with
