Settling in Smoothly - part ten

“You are going to pick me, right?” George asked me.

“Of course I am” I replied taking a sip from my water.

“And what about.. Miss Smithton?” He looked at me looking curious.

I shook my head. “I doubt it, the year 10’s hate her.”

“How did you know that?” He said

I tapped my nose and winked.

I was sat on my own in the PE office when I heard a knock. The head was standing there holding a very large binder. He smiled and nodded and put the binder down on my desk and left.

I looked at it and grinned, the sports trip binder.

It was full with letters, hotels and transport. I decided to email the 10’s parents including a pdf form of the note and then send the kids home with a more detailed version. I decided to drop into the year 10 classes to deliver them now seeing as I was teaching last period. I gathered the room list and made my way round. My last room was George’s.

I knocked and walked in. He smiled sweetly. Aw cute. I placed the letters on the front desk and passed them out. I turn to walk out.

“Oh ba- uh miss wait” George says. I hear giggles, I smirk and nod. “It’s mac n cheese tonight” I nod and grin. I love mac n cheese.

It’s the end of the day and George is sat next to me on the sofa in the staff room. I look at the clock and he gets up and grabs his stuff. I can tell by the look in his eye he wants to race. I grab my stuff and slip out the door and race him down the corridor. I win, but only by a few seconds.