Dear mother in law I see what game you’re playing

Dearest mother in law is I see you are playing game but trust me you will not finish it before me.

Last night while you were watching tv entire night and sleeping today entire day (I don’t care honestly,but if you want to sleep why you don’t go to your room to get your sleep?But you rather sleep in living room so I need to keep my mouth shut and your son also).

But after you woke up I make lunch you eat and tell me : oh I was so hungry I didn’t eat last night at all.

Wait what?! Your son is sitting there and what did you expect from him to start yelling at me maybe?

And I told you you could eat something from fridge (just at your house because you’re lazy to make anything).

“Oh but nothing is there to eat”

“Well you had eggs,sardines,tuna,deli meat,and you also had leftovers from lunch if you are too hungry”.

So no my dear mother in law I respect you because you’re my husbands mom but whatever you trying to play while he is here you will not succeed.Trying to make me look bad like everything is locked from you and you were starving.

(She came for visit for one week)