Brothers pt.38

Leila & Vance had moved into their New York apartment & settled in nicely. They got into the swing of things as husband & wife. Vance usually left for the office a little earlier than Leila so that Leila could get to her yoga class then head to work afterwards. But one particular morning, she went to her doctor instead of yoga. She wanted to see if she was really pregnant. She had read up on things online & taken more pregnancy tests, but she was in denial. She was on the pill. She couldn’t be pregnant this soon.

Dr. Ramos: Hello Mrs. Phillips.

Leila: Please, call me Leila.

Dr. Ramos: Alright, Leila. My name is Dr. Ramos. As the nurse explained, we’ll have to do a series of tests before we can determine whether or not you are indeed pregnant. We already did the blood & urine test. So now, we’ll be doing the trans vaginal test.

Leila: Is this going hurt?

Dr. Ramos: I think more than anything it’ll just be a bit uncomfortable. I’ll go slow & just let me know if you feel any pain.

Leila (take a deep breath): Ok.

Dr. Ramos: Ok, go ahead & lay back.

Leila laid back & stared up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes as the doctor inserted the instrument inside of her. Leila grasped for the doctor’s hand. She gripped his hand as he moved the instrument around.

Dr. Ramos: Are you alright?

Leila: Yeah. Just uncomfortable.

Dr. Ramos: Ok, we have a heartbeat. Oh... actually two heart beats.

Leila looked at the monitor & saw two jellybean like shapes.

Dr. Ramos: Congratulations, you have twins.

Leila: Twins?

After the procedure, Leila sat up & thanked the doctor.

Leila: Dr. Ramos?

Dr. Ramos: Yeah.

Leila: Um I don’t know how to go about this... These babies may not be my husbands & I’m

Dr. Ramos: Well, it’s still early if you wanted I can give you more info on abor..,

Leila: No, that’s not what I meant.

Dr. Ramos: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t

Leila: It’s ok. I just... Is there a way I can find out who the father is?

Dr. Ramos: You mean like a paternity test?

Leila: Yeah.