Does he like me? Should I ask him to homecoming? I need help!

So it’s Tuesday and homecoming is coming up this Saturday. To give some background, this boy is a senior (I’m a junior) in my Game Design class and it seems like he’s given some hints toward liking me. He’s done the whole poking thing guys do when they like a girl (kinda funny considering he’s a senior), he smiles a lot when he sees me, recently he talked to me alone after school because I was waiting for my ride home and he was gonna stay at school longer than usual for something, he says hi to me in the halls, and he’s teased me a bit. Though what’s tripping me up is that I’ve seen him around this girl and just recently I saw them hug. I feel like it’s just a friend or family member or something since if he had a gf, why would he show interest in me? But there’s an insecure thought in the back of my mind that I’m wrong about all of this and he has a gf or he’s into her. We don’t have each other’s numbers and we aren’t that close so it’s not like I could just ask him without risking anything.

I’m considering having my friend go and ask him if he’s dating anyone and tell him that “she thinks she knows someone who might like him” tomorrow so I can find out without asking myself, but I’m still a bit worried about it.

I’m also getting antsy about homecoming coming up, since I only plan to go if I have a date since none of my friends are going. I guess I might’ve assumed he might ask me to homecoming because of the hints but he could potentially be in a relationship or too nervous to ask me out (or not interested if I’m being mislead).

I just don’t want to let this opportunity pass by too fast in case there could actually be something there. I don’t want the fear of rejection to keep me from the possibility I could date my crush, but I’m also just so scared of misinterpreting the situation and making things awkward with him. I do tend to overthink things.. And it could also be that he isn’t sure whether I like him or not because I’m really shy and I have no clue how to give hints or flirt.

What do you guys think? I know this all probably seems silly or juvenile to adults on <a href="">Eve</a> since relationships work very differently outside of high school, but I’m really conflicted and I need advice.

UPDATE: This didn’t go to plan, but man was this a pleasant plot twist.

I had my friend ask him if he was in a relationship, and it turns out he was. I was pretty bummed out about it until I got an anonymous message from a secret admirer.

Well, I messed around, messaging back and forth and it was a guy I knew who I thought was pretty cute. So now I’m going to homecoming with a different guy who thought I was out of his league! Win win! 👌💕