Losing feelings for SO after baby

The first week and a half after my son was born I was crazy about my SO. Seeing him interact with our baby and he even did the dishes and laundry which he never does because he hates it. He held our son so I could shower and on nights that I was exhausted he took our son to the other room so I could get some sleep. I was more in love with him than I had ever been. It’s now been 2 months and when I look at him I feel nothing. He no longer does those things and he plays on his xbox day and night. He doesn’t even hold our son anymore I have to force him and when I take a shower he puts him in his swing so he can play his game again. In the past week, he’s only him four times and each time less than 10 min. I haven’t slept longer than 3 hours at a time since he’s stopped helping. Then he wants to blame me for the house being a mess or the dishes not being done. When he throws his shoes off wherever he comes in through the door and leaves his clothes where he takes them off at and I have to put his dirty clothes in the hamper or he leaves his plate of food on the floor by the chair he plays his game at and I have to throw them away or they’ll be for days. I don’t have time to take care of everything and the baby and for him to constantly tell me how the house is a mess just frustrates me even more. The second I think I have time to take care of stuff I try but a few minutes later my son is crying cause he’s hungry and I have to stop whatever I’m doing. I’m so overwhelmed and I have college online to do so I have to fit in time to do that also. I’m so overwhelmed and I resent him for not helping me. I’ve tried talking to him and telling him how I feel and he says he’ll stop playing his game as much and help out but he just keeps doing the same thing. He got mad at me cause he took the batteries and the battery charger out of the wall for his controller and took the batteries and threw the charger on the bed. I had to feed my son so I put the charger on the night stand and he got mad cause his batteries died and I didn’t plug the charger in with the batteries that he threw on the bed. I feel like we don’t even hardly talk anymore. We don’t even sleep together. He stays up all night playing his game and sleeps during the day. All he cares about is sex and I’m so exhausted I’m not in the mood or even feel like doing anything with him because idek if I want to be with him anymore. I feel like a single mother and he keeps saying when our son is 6 then he can do more with him, but I can’t wait 6 years for him to start being a father and helping out. I’m exhausted and I need some help around the house. Did anyone else feel this way about their SO and did it pass?