Brothers pt.41

Leila & James planned for the appointment as Emma met up with friends & Vance had a full day of back-to-back meetings. James met Leila at the clinic.

Leila: Thanks for agreeing to this.

James: Of course. I should be here.

Nurse: Mrs. Phillips.

Leila raises her hand.

Nurse: The doctor will see you now.

Leila & James stand & take deep breaths. Leila turns to James.

Leila: You ready?

James: Let’s do this.

The doctor explains the test to both Leila & James. It was just a simple swan test.

Dr. Ramos: So, we’ll give you both a call in about 48-72 hours. 2-3 days give or take.

Leila: Thanks, Dr. Ramos.

Dr. Ramos: Do you need anything before I go?

Leila looks at James.

James: No thank you.

Leila: We’re good. Thanks again.

Dr. Ramos placed his hand on Leila’s shoulder & shakes James’ hand & heads out.

Leila & James linger in the room. Leila looks anxious about something.

James: Hey, are you ok?

Leila starts crying.

James: Everything will be fine.

Leila: Nothing is turning out how I expected.

James holds Leila.

James: Come on, let’s get out of here.

James hails a cab & they head to a park. They take a stroll & talk.

Leila: So, how’d you & Emma meet?

James: I was waiting for you to ask about her. We used to date in high school & then again in college. I checked how she was doing on Instagram & we started talking through there & just got uh... reconnected.

Leila nods & keeps staring at the ground as they walk.

James: I’m sorry, Leila. To be honest, things aren’t going as I expected them to either.

They pause in their walk & stand on top on a bridge, leaning over the edge staring into the stream below.

Leila: Do you love her?

James: As much as things aren’t going as we expected, things are going pretty well for Emma & I.

Leila: But do you love her?

James: We’re both really happy & Leila, I haven’t been happy in long time.

Leila walks off. James chases after her.

James: Leila... where are you going?

He grasps her arm.

James: Leila, what do you want?

Leila turns around & looks James in the eyes. Her eyes are flooded with tears. She trembled as tears rolled down her face.

Leila: I want you.