
Ladies is it possible to have no pregnancy symptoms & still be pregnant? Im in my tww & ive been pregnant before about 4yrs ago  (only was two months n it didnt last. plz dont ask) but i cant remember if i had any symptoms other than i smelled food n there was no food around. I didnt feel any nausea or swelled breasts until i missed my period from what i can remember. I also dont remeber becuz i barely knew anything about the fertile window & implantation bleeding because i kno i didnt get that. I would remeber that cuz inwouldve thought that was my period lol but i wasnt keeping track & had no idea i was even pregnant at the time. Im ttc right now & the only symptom im having is very vivid dreams bcuz i rarely ever dream if ever but i keep having them. So is it possible to be pregnant b4 ur missed period & not hav any real signs?? I really dont remember havin any syptoms until after i missed my period with my first pregnancy. My period isnt due until the 24 of Oct & i have a 25/26 day cylce. Glow says also says ur most fertile if u only have ur period for 5 days & that would be me😸 thk u in advance ladies!💜