One Night Stand pt.5

Dylan returned back to his apartment to get ready for work. He shared this apartment with his cousin, Brian. Not only was Brian his cousin, but also his best friend. Brian was sitting on the couch playing video games.

Brian: Hey man, so you didn’t come home last night.

Dylan: That’s because I got laid last night.

Brian: What?!

Brian takes off his headphones & puts the controller down. He stands up & hugs Dylan.

Brian: I’m so happy for you, man.

Dylan: Aww, come on. Don’t be so dramatic.

Brian: So how she?

Dylan: She was awesome...

Brian: You gonna see her again?

Dylan: Well, she specifically explained this would only be a one night stand.

Brian: Oh...

Dylan: What do you mean by “oh”?

Brian: Just... “Oh.” As in Oh, I guess that’s it.

Dylan: I don’t know I’m kinda hoping she’ll want to see me again. I mean, maybe we could be friends.

Brian: Yeah, ok. This was a one night stand, Dylan. There’s no commitment. No strings attached. You’re never gonna see her again.

Dylan: Except that I know where she lives.

Brian: Please tell me you’re not planning on stalking her. Dylan, they make laws against that kind of shit.

Dylan: No, I didn’t mean it like that.

Brian: Yeah, don’t be weird about it. Just move on. Just consider it another notch in your belt. Now you have 2.

Dylan: Not gonna think of it like that, but whatever. I gotta get to work.

Brian: Ok, I’ll be there in a bit.

Dylan: Don’t be late!

Brian: I won’t! I just gotta finish this level.

Dylan got in his car & went to work. All morning he couldn’t stop thinking about Summer.

Dave: Hey Dylan! Can you get in here?

Dylan: Yup!

Dave: This is my son, Dylan. He’ll help you out.

Summer: Dylan?

Dylan: Hey, Summer.

Dylan smiles really big.

Dave: Oh, good you two know each other. I’ll be in the back if you have any trouble with the register again.

Dylan: Ok, dad. Long time no see.

Summer: Yeah, um. I didn’t know you worked here. I yelped this place & you guys have 4 stars. You have really good reviews.

Dylan: Gotta love yelp... Let’s take a look.

They walk over to Summer’s car. Dylan pops the hood & takes a look.

Dylan: So what sort of trouble is your car giving you?

Summer: It squeaks every time I start it & I have to rev it up for it to get going. It stalls on me a lot.

Dylan: I know just the thing.

Summer: Oh good. No rush or anything, but do you know how long it’ll take to fix this?

Dylan: I’d say 2 days.

Summer: So the whole weekend I’m going to be car-less?

Dylan: I’m afraid so...

Summer: This sucks.

Dylan: Hey if you want I can give you another lift? In fact, I can be available to drive you around the whole weekend.

Summer: Oh, you don’t have to do that.

Dylan: It’d be my pleasure. I don’t mind at all. I’ll have my cousin cover shifts for me so I can help you out.

Summer: What do I owe you?

Dylan: How about a date? Just one date.

Summer: I’m sorry, I don’t date.

Dylan: Oh ok. Let me just go find my cousin...

Dylan starts walking away.

Summer: But I’ll go for another night stand.

Dylan smiles real big & calms himself down before turning around to give Summer a calm, cool & collected nod.

Dylan: Ok, I’ll be right back. Go ahead have a seat.

Summer sits down in the lobby area. Dylan finds Brian & explains to him what just happened. Brian peeks around the corner to get a view of Summer.