October babies! 🥰


( Just for fun ) who here has had October baby’s wether it was this year, last year , any year.. post a picture and share your beautiful labour story! 🥰 wether it was bad, good , weird, awesome in the end it was all worth it and every story is unique.

- My son was due this year on the 3rd of October 2019, but he decided that he would make his beautiful entrance on the 7th October 2019.

-I was in labour for 17 hours and gave birth to my son at 7:17pm weighing , 8pound 4ounces.

- I ended up on fluids throughout my whole labour because for some reason I didn’t want to drink water (I guess that’s what happens when your in pain haha) I ended up becoming super dehydrated and couldn’t shower after birth because I was always fainting.

-my water hadn’t popped yet and I was 10cm dilated already, Everyone in the room were waiting for nurses to come and pop it (I was 10cm for 1 hour and 30 minutes and that was the worst because i had the urge to push the whole time)

-nurses came and broke my water but then babies head was too high that they had to attach a string to his head and assist him down while I would push.

-Yes this mama did end up tearing because I pushed him out with one push and no one expected that to happen and he came flying across the bed 😂

- I had my partner & his mum in the delivery room with me. My dad ,My Mum & sister we’re suppose to come but then I made the mistake of telling them to stay home and ille contact them when I’m about to give birth ( as sitting in hospital for ages actual sucks and I didn’t want them waiting around getting hungry or what not.) my mistake because I ended up being too busy with the contractions and didn’t want my partner away from me for 1 bit to make a phone call hahaha 🥰

-I stayed in hospital for 2 days because they needed to monitor me and baby (high blood pressure and heart rate) 🌸

- Me and baby went home after the 2 days all healthy and super happy.

- my labour was awesome despite being dehydrated.

- my son is already 1 month and 1 day and I am buzzing at how fast that has gone by.

- I am mix feeding my son, breast feeding and formula feeding and he’s already a 10 pound baby. ❤️

I wanna hear your beautiful woman’s stories 💙

Picture of my lover 💓💓

Name : Khyrue (kairo) Brydon ❤️