Empathetic but selfish

I was recently contacted by an old high school friend. I don’t really talk to anyone now except my husband so I thought it was good to talk to her. Well it turned out not to be the best of circumstances. She confided in me about the things she been going through lately and it’s quite a lot to hold on to. Apparently she also doesn’t have friends she can really talk so it was nice for her to talk to me. Now, the thing is, I’m extremely empathetic and love to help as much as possible. Key words are as much as possible. I’ve been sending her some money every now and then because her health isn’t the best and doesn’t have money for her medication and food. But my husband says we can’t be sending her money all the time which I completely understand. So I said I couldn’t send her money as much as before so I felt horrible. She said it was ok and then we didn’t talk for a bit again. Cut to today, she called me and updated me on her life and I used everything in me not to cry. Then she told me she was expecting for the fourth time and my heart sank! We then ended the call and I started bawling! I should let you all know, that I suffer from anxiety and depression. Well, I cried at first because I felt bad about not being able to help more. But then, I realized I was also crying because she’s with child and I’m not. I know many people go through this while ttc but I felt so wrong. I’m feeling so worn out and sad that I want to tell her that I can’t talk to her for a bit because of my mental health but that also feels so selfish. I just want to help and have her be ok. Sorry for the long post. I just have no one else to talk to.