Exercising on bed rest

I'm only a little over 8 weeks right now, but am on bed rest because I had an incident last weekend and thought I had a miscarriage. Thankfully it was not, but I had to go for a bunch of bloodwork and urine sample because I was still having symptoms. So now I'm on 5mg of prednisone daily and not allowed to cook, clean, etc. Doctor said I'm to do nothing but get up to go to the bathroom/shower. I don't really know what's wrong because everything was in Spanish and the doctor didn't really explain, just said what to do. I have an appointment on the 14 and I'm hoping to find out the details, but I am getting really frustrated not being able to do anything. I do get up to do stretches and walk a little, but I'm feeling bloated and my legs sometimes hurt. I'm worried about getting blood clots because it's common in my family and because I've been inactive. Are their any safe exercises I can try? Nothing strenuous, just things I can do a few times throughout the day.