Newborn Vomiting

Taylor • Boy Mom 💙

so my son is 3 weeks old today and last night he started projectile vomiting everytime he was fed (i breastfeed) and he is still doing it this morning, i fed him on my left side for 5 minutes and burped him and did the same thing on the right side and he still projectile vomited. did anyone else’s baby do this? if so what was the problem and how did you fix it?



took him to the ER and they are setting me up an ultrasound just to check and see if he has pyloric stenosis , which they said he probably doesn’t have it just wanna be on the safe side. they gave him pedialyte and he held it down. and i fed him twice after that and he held it down and hasn’t thrown up since but has been pooping a lot. i personally think he’s stopped up and gassy and he couldn’t get it out through his bowel movement so it was causing him to throw up! i will update after his ultrasound!