Weaning off Effexor, in preparation to TTC


I have been on Effexor/Venlafaxine for about 3.5 years, to treat my anxiety and depression. I had my annual physical last week, and I asked my doctor if it’s safe to take when my husband and I are ready to start trying for a baby next April.

She said that we’ll need to wean me off of it beforehand, but it *shouldn’t* take long, because I’m on a low dosage. (75 mg daily, of the Extended Release pill) She said I’ll just go down to half a dose for a few weeks, then down to nothing.

Has anyone had any experience they’d be willing to share, in coming off this type of medication? I’m a little nervous about it, but also super excited to try to start a family!

And my poor husband has never experienced me unmedicated, because we met just a couple months after I got on it. I am in a much better place in my life now, though, surrounded by support, so I’m hopeful that I won’t go back to how I was before going on it.

Thanks in advance!!!