I went through the weekend of hell

I was 11weeks pregnant 🤰 excited as hell me and my bf couldn’t be happier as we had 2 previous miscarriages, we really thought this was gonna be our miracle baby as I felt pains from my boobs and my stomach got bigger a week before our scan I started having spit bleeding, due to previous I phoned my midwife and explained my concerns so she booked me in for a scan on the Sunday weekend flew by I was fine excited to see our little peanut inside I i was dreading going to the scan cause every time we went it was just bad news so I woke up at 4am to pee and all of a sudden a clot had came out I changed my pad got dressed to go to hospital I live 10mins from hospital as I got closer to hospital I felt my trousers underwear were soaking in blood i could feel massive clots passing through me I could feel the blood running all the way down to my ankles I asked my partner to book me in while I went to the toilet.

I pulled my trousers down and i was horrified by the amount of blood there was it was everywhere, I just burst out in tears 😭 knowing that it wasn’t good so eventually I cleaned my self up got blood all over my jacket walked around in my soaking trousers till hospital they notice how bad my trousers were then they gave me a gown they gave me a scan they could see that our peanut had stopped growing I was deviated again, how could this be happening so they tried to help clear clots etc. Twice as I was losing so much blood the maternity pads wasn’t able to hold my clots or the blood I had to use bed pads folded up as that’s only thing that could catch all my clots because I lost 1/5 of my blood within an hour or two they sent me to theatre to have our miracle surgically removed as my cervix was remaining shut so as they prepared me for theatre I was shitting myself as I have never been to theatre before as I waved my partner off they sent me to sleep I woke up and came back round I felt like shit I felt empty and just wanting to break down looking at my partner his face he just looked sad as he held me later doctors came round and asked us what we would like done with the ashes we chose to collect them ourselves as I was feeling better coming round from theatre they chose to send me home at 9pm well that was bad Idea I got home and last just under 3hrs I went to bathroom I didn’t feel right i just put my hands in my head and everything went black I hit my head off the cabinet my partner came through found me on the floor struggling to come round barely breathing eyes rolling back to my head I started to convulse bf phones emergency services when I came round I needed water I couldn’t stand paramedics wrapped me up in my duvet as I was freezing my blood pressure was low I was taken back in to hospital bloods taken every 3hours my iron levels were dangerously low and I had no colour to my face I had to be given 2 blood transfusions and iron tablets when I finally got home my BF got me flowers magazine all my favourite sweets ran me a bath told me to go get comfy on sofa with all the blankets I just broke down in tears I honestly don’t know how I got through that weekend I’m just really grateful how supportive my partner was for me when I need him I was there for him and he was especially there for me, he’s reassured me we can keep trying there’s gonna be investigations as that’s 3 recurrent miscarriages hopefully our miracle comes along one day we can only keep our fingers crossed 🤞🏻