One Night Stand pt.22

The next day at work, Taylor & Summer chatted away while the kids played with glue & Cheerios.

Taylor: Hunter! Don’t eat the glue! Lizzie! Don’t throw the Cheerios!

Summer: You ok?

Taylor: Ugh! I’ve just been so stressed lately. And periods late... I hope to God I’m not pregnant.

Summer: Another kid wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You make such beautiful kids!

Taylor: You’re kidding me, right? Yes, they’re beautiful. But it would be a bad idea to have another one. Two is enough. Three is too much. Four would be crazy... I’m actually thinking about getting my tubes tied.

Summer: Nice...

Dylan leaves his seat & walks up to Summer.

Dylan: Miss Summer?

Summer: Yes, sweetheart.

Dylan: Did Mr. Dylan give you that key necklace?

Summer: Yes, he did. How’d you know?

Dylan: I just know.

Dylan walks back to his seat.

Taylor: You’re such a Dylan magnet.

Summer laughs.

Taylor: So, what’s with the necklace.

Summer: He asked me to be his girlfriend.

Taylor: What?! Summer, I’m so happy for you guys.

Taylor hugs Summer.

Summer: Thanks.

Taylor: He totally loves you... I could see it in his eyes every time.

Summer smiles & holds the key necklace & looks at it.

Taylor: You love him?

Summer: Like I’ve never loved anyone else.

Taylor hold Summer’s hands & smiles. Just then the receptionist comes in the art class & calls for Summer.

Receptionist: Summer, there’s someone here to see you.

Taylor: Ooh... He misses you already.

Receptionist: Sorry, it’s not Dylan. It’s a girl. She said she’s your sister.

Summer: What? I don’t have a sister. Um, Taylor can you manage without me.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about me. Are you gonna be ok?

Summer: We’ll find out.

Summer takes a deep breath before leaving the classroom. She takes one more look at Taylor for confidence. Taylor smiles & mouths “you got this”. Summer walked down the hallway & saw a girl sitting on the chairs by the office. She took her time walking down the hall. She tried her best to think of what to say. She tried to think positively about the situation. Did she really have a sister? But how? Was she from her dad’s side or her mom’s side? As she approached the end of the hall, the girl stood from her seat. Soon they were face to face. Summer didn’t know whether to hug the girl or shake her hand. She extended her hand as the girl simultaneously wrapped her arms around Summer for a hug.

Serena: Hi sister!!

Summer slowly embraced Serena back & patted her to hint towards the end of the hug.

Serena: I’m sorry, I tend to uh get a little excited when I meet new people.

People walk past them in the hallway, she directed Serena to a more secluded area where they could talk.

Serena: I wasn’t sure if this was where I could find you. I tried a few other daycares in the area & no one was named Summer Harper. I’m just glad I found you. I have so much to tell you & ask you.

Summer: Ok, first of all, what’s your name?

Serena: Oh! Did I not say it earlier? I’m so sorry!

(Serena laughs) My name is Serena Langston. I’m Miranda’s daughter.

Summer: Ok, you know what. I can’t do this right now. I just can’t.

Serena: I thought you’d be happy to meet me.

Summer: Look, it’s not you. I’m sure you’re a nice person, Serena, but I haven’t heard from my... from our mom in 14 years.

Serena: Can we go somewhere & talk more about this or maybe we can meet up another time when you’re not so busy? You like coffee? Maybe we can go to Starbucks &...

Summer: And what become besties over a freakin’ cup of coffee?

Serena: Well, yeah that’s how I imagined our first encounter to go. Summer, I waited & contemplated how to go about this for the past 5 years. And now that I’ve finally met you, I wish I never tried to find you.