*sensitive topic*

S 🌻 • Mother of one, engaged to my bestie of 10 years 💕

Has anybody changed their mind regarding an abortion, and kept the child?

I have fallen pregnant at a very bad time in my life. All precautions were taken, but I still caught. I have another child, and currently very unwell. I struggle badly, and know it wouldn't be fair on anybody if I continued this pregnancy.

I've decided to terminate the pregnancy, however when I've contacted the clinic, they've advised me there isn't an appt. Available for another two weeks.

I've really struggled making this decision, and am heart broken. I am scared that during this wait, I will only get more attached to the pregnancy, and might change my mind.

Has anybody been in this position? What did you do?

*Please no hate, if you have nothing helpful to comment, then don't comment at all*