My brother suffers from depression how can I help him?

All my siblings including me have gone through some mental problems, for me I’ve always suffered from panic/Anxiety attacks they were really bad I had them everyday for a year until I found a way to control it when I would get one.

My sister suffers from the same thing and I have 3 other brothers and they suffer from anxiety attacks and depression, I always asked my parents if it’s genetic if they ever went through it but they said no so I don’t understand why all of us go through this 😔

But now I worry more about my younger brother who is going through depression, he used to do drugs because he felt it was the only way for him not to feel the way he was feeling until one day he got hospitalized for overdosing. That day was very scary for all of us, I was the one who took him to the ER and it broke my heart to see him that way and since then he never went back to doing drugs he even stopped smoking weed.

Well now he’s in college and he works, he’s been stressing himself out a lot between his job, school and supporting mom and dad, that at one point he wanted to go back doing drugs again but he didn’t. And his depression seems like it came back harder this time and I’m really worried for him, We all worry a lot when it comes to my younger brother since he always goes down the pier and sit for hours.

Maybe it’s some sort of therapy for him but a lot of things run through my head when my brother goes down there all the time, I’m just worried about him how can I help my brother? What can I do for him?