Need advice


My husband just had an interview for a new job. It would be a lot more money and we NEED that. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and we're barely getting by right now. Idk what we'll do once baby is here. My concern with this new job is he would he traveling...quite a bit and not just to the next town over, it would be different states and overseas sometimes. And if we didn't have a baby on the way it wouldn't bother me at all. We're both just not happy about the idea of him being gone a lot in the first year of baby's life. But at the same time we really need the money and this job would help him grow in his career where at his current job, he's stuck. He's not learning anything new and there's not a lot of work to be done. Nor does it seem like they are ever going to offer him a raise. What would you do? I know money isn't everything but we can't keep going the way we are. Plus the travel would get less frequent after the first year..and if he decides to not stay at this new job forever he'll now have new skills and experience to get a better one here at home. Thoughts?