I really hate people!

Ok, so this is a bit long and has nothing to do with this app, but I work customer service in a gas station and a guy came in and asked when we are getting more of the 8oz red bull in cause there wasn't any in the cooler, and I said I wasn't sure because that vender doesn't come in very often, and that I wasn't sure if we had any more in the cooler cause I haven't had a chance to go in there yet. (at that point I honestly hadn't had a chance to go in there) He said ok and pulled out his wallet and waited without saying anything else, so then I rang up the one he grabbed cashed him out, said have a good night and he left. He's a regular that comes in here and I know he lives in the apartments behind the store, so he usually always walks here, but I also know what car he drives and where it gets parked because he's come here on his way home from places before.

Well about 5 or so minutes later a lady called and asked about how she is able to get a hold of the owner to speak with him. So I told her he doesn't usually have set times or days that he comes in here cause he's pretty busy with his other stores as well, (he owns 4 other stores aside from this one) so that she could try calling over at one of the other stores he owns if she wanted to. So then she said ok let me ask you this, if a customer comes in and asks if there's anything in the back stock for the front shelves when you walk in the door, is the cashier supposed to go look for it? So I said we don't keep anything on back stock for the shelves. So she started yelling at me right away and said ohh yes you do I know you do, everyone knows you do. So I told her no, actually, we don't. I'm the manager here at this store, I do the ordering, and we don't keep anything in the back for on the shelves. And she goes ohh I know who YOU are, EVERYONE around here knows who YOU are, and yelled at me saying she doesn't know how in the hell I'm qualified for a manager position, cause everyone knows everywhere keeps a back stock of everything.(we really don't keep any back stock here because we are a smaller location, and we aren't busy enough for that, so I order stuff for the store every Tuesday when it's needed) So then she goes, so when someone asks you to check in the cooler for extra, cause I know you have extra back stock there even though you're trying to tell em you don't, you are supposed to go look! So I said for the cooler yes, but for the shelves, no. Then she yells at me some more and said see I knew you keep back stock so why did you just fucking lie to me and tell me you don't keep back stock?! And I said because you asked about the front shelves when you walk in the door, not about the cooler? And she goes no don't play that game with me! And was continuing on with yelling at me about back stock, so I cut her off and raised my voice and said I'm literally telling you the answer to what you asked, we don't keep back stock of stuff for the shelves, but we do for the cooler, you asked about the shelves, not the cooler. She was still yelling on about whatever while I was talking, then she got real loud to cut me off and said yea ok byyeee and hung up on me.

Like, ok, so you can give me all kinds of attitude and be a bitch, but once I finally give attitude back, it's this horrible thing that you can't handle?? And the thing is though, I can tell that guy I won't be helping him anymore because his name came up on the caller ID and I know exactly who he is, cause I went ahead and looked him up on Facebook to be sure it was him that this was about, and it was exactly the guy I thought it was. And if/when I can find out who his wife or whoever she is that called,(he didn't have a relationship posted on his profile) I know she comes in regularly as well cause I recognized her voice, that she's not allowed here either if she's going to harass the employees for stuff that isn't even necessarily their fault.

But after that I took a little time to cool off, then I called the owner and told him about it, and he said he will see if she calls the location I told her to and he will call her back, and in his own words, to see what crawled up her sleeve and ask what her problem was. Then he thanked me for letting him know and said he stands behind his managers and feels confident that I know how to do my job.

I first assumed she meant the entire thing about everyone knows who I am because of my car, I'm only 26 and I own a brand new mustang that everyone here apparently thinks is pretty great, but it's not even a high end model, it's just a cheaper base model gt, but I also live in a small town with probably not even 1,500 people and mine is only one of maybe 3 or 4 newer sports cars. But then I felt like I was being full of myself for thinking that, just like I feel full of myself now with feeling like I should explain what car it is... 🙄🙄

And then immediately after that, I thought about how I've been accused in the past of using meth and shit like that cause of how bad my acne can get. And I know it's been acting up really bad again for the last month or two and I've been real self conscious about it, so now I'm feeling like that's what she was meaning by it. And now I feel like maybe that's what everyone thinks about me, that I'm some meth/crack head. And I know I shouldn't feel like that and that I should just ignore it and not worry about it, but with where I currently am emotionally, that's just what's going through my head. I've been really down on myself about a lot of stuff lately, like to the point where I haven't been getting much sleep, and haven't been able to actually eat regularly lately.

I messaged one of my friends about it that lives in this area, and she said not to worry about it. That the majority of people here are bitter and bitch about any and everything they can. Then I told her how I feel worried to bring either of my cars into work, cause I don't want anything to happen to them. Cause everyone knows my husbands SUV since they always ask where my car is when I have his. And his SUV is more expensive than my car. She said that I shouldn't worry about that either, cause she's had this same issue with people in the area, and everyone around here is all talk and no game. And, well, I'm really hoping that's the case, cause being me, the worst things started coming to mind. Cause the city where I grew up, people actually mess with your shit over the dumbest things.

I'm sure I'm just over reacting, but my brain sucks when it comes to stuff like this lol. I'm sorry for posting about this here, I just needed somewhere to rant/vent to about it. I know I can vent to my husband about anything, but he always just has the same answer to everything, "Who cares what anyone thinks, as long as you're happy, it doesn't matter. I love you more than anything, don't be down on yourself about yourself." And that same response kind of gets annoying after a while...😒😔 But now my anxiety is all over the place even more than it was before, and he just doesn't understand anything to do with that, because he's never had to deal with anxiety issues before.