Is the death penalty effective or should it be abolished?

🥀 𝕊 🥀

Throughout history, societies around the world have used the death penalty as a way to punish the most heinous crimes. While capital punishment is still practiced today, many countries have since abolished it.

My question is has it really been effective? If so, how? If you’re from a country that supports this punishment, have you seen actual changes? Has it deterred crime?

I know it’s been asked a lot around here whether you’re for or against the capital punishment but this post is really asking whether it’s effective on a bigger scale than what you think about it. If you understand what I’m saying.

Also, we haven’t had good topics lately so here goes.

What do you generally think of this. Should the death penalty just be abolished because it isn’t proven to be effective or has it been and how?

Bonus question. If there was in fact proof that the death penalty has helped deter crime rates, would you change your mind and be for it if you were originally against it?