Ovusense vs. Fertility Friend.

Cherie • Married to an amazing man, with an 18 month old son. TTC #2 since January 2019.

Okay so I messed up and didnt record the temp on one day of my ovusense, CD 22... right when it was saying I was ovulating, I thought it downloaded but it didnt ): anyways it first predicted that I was ovulating CD 21 then it dissapeared!! after a week. And then today it tells me I ovulated CD 26 instead... ): late, so I missed it. Anyways, Fertility Friend is still saying I ovulated CD 20. What do you guys think??? I had watery, like lots of watery CM around Friday CD 20. And then CD 26 I had lots of lotion creamy CM. Not watery. Soo I'm just not sure if I should take a Pregnancy test or not. I have long cycles, 28-32 usually but lately it's been longer, 37 days last month. Which was weird. I am taking Maca and Vitex. We've been TTC for 10 months.