Came to a realization today..


For months now, I have been feeling very overwhelmed as a mom. I have a 2 year old daughter. She is my whole world. She’s perfection in every way. But I found I was losing myself, as a wife and as a woman.

I noticed that every time I wanted some “me” time, (which is rare, because I always feel guilty basically asking for a few minutes to myself) I was “asking” my husband, almost for permission.

He “tells” me when he’s going to do things, and I “ask”.

Crazy, right?

I was starting to settle into a sadness.

As a stay at home mom, it’s HARD. I wouldn’t give it up for anything, being home with my daughter every day is a true blessing, but some days are long.

Today, after weeks of putting off some “me” time, I decided to book myself a hair appointment! Such a small thing, but I did it! For myself. I “told” my husband I made the appointment, and he didn’t know what to say. Almost looked a little mad.

But ladies, we all need some “ME” time!

Take a walk. Go shopping. Get your nails done. Take a nap in your car.

ANYTHING. Us mamas need a break every once and a while 💕💕