Vitex hope


I know some of you don’t really care what I have to say since my pcos is “only” mild. However thanks to my pcos I have very short luteal phases making it very difficult to get pregnant or sustain a pregnancy. So three months ago I started Vitex and vitamin b both which help to normalize your period and encourage luteal length. When I started my luteal phase was 9 days long. Literally the day a baby should be implanting and my body was preparing to shed itself. Last month I majorly spotted on dpo 10 ad began period on dpo 11 this month I have very minimal spotting and it’s dpo 11 (I know I’m going to start tomorrow). This is the longest my luteal phase has been since I started trying to conceive! I did also change my diet to a pcos friendly diet. But I do urge you guys to take a look into Vitex and vitamin b supplements. Might not make you pregnant but it might just help your cycle!