7 and a half weeks pregnant but...

Hope In All Things • 💍2004• 🧑🏽2008•👼🏼May2019•👼🏼Nov.2019

Hey y’all...I’m 37 and going through my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy ended with a miscarriage back in May of this year. I found out I was pregnant again on the 26th of last month. When I did my calculations (LMP) I was at 7.5 weeks along. However, I went in today for my first ultrasound appointment and my doctor measured me at 5.5 weeks. I had to do blood and urine tests. I also have an appointment next week Tuesday with a radiologist in hopes we can see more. This is pretty nerve reckoning, but my husband and I are trying to stay positive and hopeful...Anyway my question is, has anyone ever gone through something like this? Or close to it?? If so, please share 😇 thank you in advance...