

Good morning everyone 😊

I have an issue! My daughter is 4 months tomorrow... the first 2 months I was both pumping and breastfeeding so my daughter had no problem with the bottle... but then my husband went on his 6 week leave from work to stay home with us for a while, I made the mistake of getting too lazy and comfortable. I wasn’t pumping AT ALL and started exclusively breastfeeding.. so for 2 months now she hasn’t a bottle and now I’m wanting to get her back on and I am STRUGGLING!!! My older sister who has 2 babies and has breastfed tells me she just let her baby cry and cry until eventually her daughter had no choice but to take the bottle... well, I don’t have that type of heart lol I give in too easily and quickly like I literally can NOT let her cry like that, I feel like I’m starving her. I know I’m not but that’s how I feel. Anyway, I need help!! Is there any other ways!?!?