Transition to crib.


Okay. My son will be 3 months old the 21. Since the hospital he's veen sleeping down stairs in our living room in a pavk and play. Mainly because my mom has been helping me at night so I can sleep and she is terrified of my stairs in my house. So everything is down stairs. His clothes diapers everything for her.

Well we've just kind of stuck to it and now I'm afraid he'll never want to sleep upstairs in his crib. We have an entire room for him and he refuses to sleep up there. He can be passed out and the second I take him upstairs and put him in his crib or bassinet next to our bed he screams and cries.

I go back to work in a month and We (hubs and I) both work at night I have no idea how we'll get him to start sleeping upstairs in his room. Any ideas?

I want my living room back! But also I could keep this up til he's 6.months old. Ugh.