Rainbow babe 🌈👶🏽🥰 Lets see your pics!

Cris • Momma to sweet baby B.E.E. 4/28/17 🐝❤️👼🏾 Momma to beautiful Isaiah 9/16/19 🌈👶🏽🥰🙏🏽

Our own little piece of the rainbow. Our rainbow baby (blessing babe) boy is almost 2 months and he’s been an absolute joy to have in our lives. We are still learning him, and his little personality is starting to show. He loves when momma talks to him, when daddy plays the guitar and sings to him, and he loves falling asleep while him and momma dance around the living room. I never imagined I could love someone so fiercely, in such a short amount of time and with my entire being. After losing my first born son, the amount of grief I felt was large and now it makes sense because of how much I love my 2nd born.

Mommas, let me see your blessings, rainbow Babys, and loves please!