Dreams tell the truth?

Last December I got pregnant for the first time, with this husband, and I had a dream where I was told I was pregnant but that it wasn’t my baby to keep. Two days later I miscarried.

In July I got pregnant again and had a similar dream where I was told I was pregnant but the baby wasn’t mine to keep, and again I miscarries just a few days later.

Yesterday I had a dream that I was pregnant again, and this time I saw the test and it was such a clear perfect positive that there was no way it was a mistake. This time though no one told me that the baby wasn’t mine.

Also yesterday I had a post op visit with the fertility doc, and also he laid out his game plan for helping because “I’m old” according to me. I’ll be 38 at the end of this month, so in terms of fertility I guess I am old...🤷‍♀️.

Despite all that the doc is confident that with just a little something to supercharge ovulation and some progesterone that it will happen. Side note: I’m a phlebotomist in a hospital so I’m able to check my beta for free anytime I want...I may or may not start checking it at about 9dpo every cycle...I’m not crazy, just impatient.