Got cheated on and now I have chlamydia

I honestly don't know who to talk to because I'm so embarrassed so I'm just gonna let it out here. I was with this guy for 7 months and we both got tested at the beginning of the relationship. We both tested negative for anything sexually transmitted but had protected sex. A few months ago, he brought up the idea of having condomless sex and I wasn't too keen on the idea. Eventually, he convinced me and we did it once. I happened to have a doctor's appointment two weeks after and thankfully my insurance covers the testing. My doctor called me this morning saying I tested positive for chlamydia and my heart DROPPED. I confronted my now ex boyfriend about it and he admitted to cheating on me. I’m not sure if I’m more mad at the fact that he cheated on me or that he put my health at risk. Thankfully, it’s easy to treat, but what if he gave me something more serious?